Anniversary Session in Florence, Italy - Our 8 Year Wedding Anniversary


Best way to celebrate your 8 year wedding anniversary? My vote is for Italy.

When a trip we had planned for Italy coincided (close enough) to our 8 year anniversary, we took the opportunity to celebrate in Florence. A city near and dear to me. We celebrated with a sunrise photo session with Fotomagoria to document this time in our lives and our love together after 8 years of marriage, and then with an incredible meal in the evening. One of our favorite ways to celebrate anything is with good food. And not only good food, but a culinary experience. So we found ourselves at the Michelin star restaurant, Gucci Osteria da Massimo Bottura, in Florence and we delighted in every course. It was truly mind blowing. Afterwards we wandered the glowing streets until we ended back at our airbnb that looked directly upon Palazzo Piti.

We make it a goal to take family photos every year because we think it’s incredibly important to document life. One thing is inevitable, and it’s that the memories fade. Without fail, photographs always help me remember better. Only being married for 8 years I cherish the photos we have in our very first apartment, from our wedding day, and from some random date in our first year of marriage, wether they were professional images or iPhone photos. I’m so grateful for all the memories that come flooding back when we look through our family albums. I want to be able to remember as much as possible. I highly encourage any one to get family photos taken at least once a year, wether it’s in some grand location or in your home. And in between, document as much as you can with those handy iPhones we have now.

And to the love of my life, happy 8 years. I can’t wait to see what other memories we create in this life together.

All photos were capture by Fotomagoria.