Best of 2018 Adventure Sessions

What is an adventure session? Life is beautiful at every stage and it’s full of REALLY BIG moments like pregnancy, birth, anniversaries, and small day to day moments of laughter, hiking, and cuddling on the couch. Adventure sessions are for all those. The ones that maybe we don’t always think to document but one day, looking back, you will be so glad you did. It will be a little glimpse into the one of many anniversary trips you took, how small their hand was when they were just born, or how your eyes wrinkled when you laughed.

And while I primarily photograph wedding days, I truly value all of the days that make up your life because those days are important too and I think we should be more intentional about remembering them. Every year I create a family album, and some are beautiful professional photos and some are just quick blurry iPhone shots. I will never forget the time I showed Jake the first album I made which included pictures of our first apartment. He said he was so glad I thought to take pictures of that so we could always remember the first place we got to call home together. I know in 50 years, after who knows how many more homes or moves, those images will be even more special to us.

These are the thoughts I bring with me into adventure sessions. What will be special for them to remember of this part of their lives? What is so precious now, that will be so different in 10 years. What really sums up their style, their love for each other, their bond with their child?

So while I don’t often share this side of my work, it is important too. Here are some of my favorites from various adventure sessions this past year.